What is GAC?
Granular activated carbon is made from raw organic materials, such as coconut shells or
coal, which are high in carbon. Heat is used to activate the surface area of the carbon. The activated carbon removes certain chemicals
from the water passing through a GAC filter by trapping the chemical in the GAC.
However, other chemicals, like iron and nitrate, are not attracted to the carbon and therefore are not effectively removed.
It is important to know the level of contaminants and the volume of water used in order to determine the correct size and
components of the filtration system. All treatment systems require proper installation, periodic monitoring, and maintenance.
Eventually, the GAC loses its ability to trap and remove chemicals and it needs to be changed. The MPCA determines when
MPCA-installed filters need to be changed. In some cases, the GAC can last several years depending on contaminant levels and water use.